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True inclusion is driven by company culture [GRID Podcast]

  • Publish Date: Posted about 2 years ago
  • Author:by Charlie Thomas

In this special 3-part series of The GRID Podcast, we celebrate Pride Month.

We are bringing together some of the LGBTQ+ community from within the reinsurance and insurance market. In this episode, our expert panel downloads on what true inclusion looks like and how you drive this in the workplace. For Theresa Farrenson, customer experience and integration lead at Aon, true inclusion is driven by company culture. 

"You can have inclusive workplaces, processes and procedures, but if they are being ignored, then your workplace isn't inclusive. Fundamentally, the workplace, firstly and foremost, has to feel safe. So your employees need to be able to come to work and perform to the best of their abilities and go home feeling good about that. And that means not feeling they are subjected to bullying, harassment or just simply feeling bothered. 

And then the next level on the maturity curve is to create an environment in which people can flourish and be treated and respected as individuals and bring the best of ourselves to the workplace because therein lies the real secret about how to maximise human potential in your organisation."

You can listen to the full episode on Apple, Spotify and other podcast platforms. 

A huge thank you to all of our contributors for taking part in this series:

And thanks in particular to Inclusion at Lloyd’s and LINK, the LGBTQ+ insurance network for all their help and support in bringing this podcast special together.