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Hamilton appoints Patten as head of casualty

  • Publish Date: Posted over 6 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

Hamilton Underwriting Limited, the managing agency of Syndicate 3334 and the Lloyd’s operations of Hamilton Insurance Group, has named Robert Patten as head of casualty.

Patten joins Hamilton from Novae where he also served as head of casualty. Before that, he held a number of senior roles at Aspen, ending his career there as head of international P&C. 

In his role, Patten will report to active underwriter and head of treaty, Trevor Carvey.

Commenting on the new hire, Hamilton Underwriting CEO Dermot O’Donohoe said: “With Lloyd’s’ approval to add excess casualty to our portfolio in 2018, it’s great to have the benefit of Bob’s significant experience and expertise as we enter this class of business.

“Bob will be working with Hamilton Re Chief Underwriting Officer Casualty Insurance, Steve Hartwig, and his team to source business in the London market. Steve and Bob’s outreach will be complementary, underwriting to a maximum capacity of $25mn in London and $50mn in Bermuda.

“With an expected improvement in rates, terms and conditions, it’s timely for Bob to join us as Hamilton expands its leadership in this market segment.”