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Driving results through insight

  • Publish Date: Posted over 6 years ago
  • Author:by Matthew Eames

Insight and research is at the heart of everything we do here at Eames Partnership, with executive search being just one of a suite of services we have to offer.

With business intelligence serving as a vital tool for key decision makers in the (re)insurance industry, Eames Partnership has the capability to produce a variety of cost-effective insight reports that can be tailored to our clients’ specific requirements and strategic goals, providing them with an edge increasingly competitive markets.

Our market insight reports fuse our own knowledge, data insights and first-hand perspectives of industry professionals to provide our clients with a detailed “three-dimensional” overview of prospective (re)insurance markets including:

  • Sector trends
  • Market challenges
  • Growth opportunities
  • Leading talent

These reports are suited to both companies seeking to enter a particular class of business or scale their capabilities.

We also have the capability to produce reports to help you evaluate the perception of your company within the (re)insurance market, gain insight into your peers through competitor analysis and improve diversity in your organisation.

If you are interested in learning more about our insight capabilities or our other services, please contact Matthew Eames at or on +44 (0)207 092 3257.