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Marsh Ireland announces Grogan as executive chairman & Howett to become CEO

  • Publish Date: Posted over 5 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

Marsh Ireland has appointed Joe Grogan as executive chairman and announced that Patrick Howett will become CEO when the deal closes between Marsh & McLennan Companies and JLT.

Grogan has served in several leadership roles in his 28 years at Marsh. In September 2018 he was appointed chairman of Marsh Ireland and previously CEO of Marsh’s Corporate Division which provides risk management advice, insurance brokerage and claims advocacy services to mid-large organisations.

Howett has operated at JLT since 1983, in many senior posts before becoming managing director in 1995. He formerly worked in the audit and tax departments at Price Waterhouse Coopers. He has also served as a council member of Brokers Ireland, the country’s representative body for insurance brokers.

Both Grogan and Howett will be based in Dublin and report to Chris Lay, CEO of Marsh UK & Ireland.

Grogan commented: “Marsh is committed to providing our clients with a high-quality and seamless service. By strengthening our Irish operations, we will ensure we have the resources and talents required to support our clients as they navigate an increasingly complex risk landscape. I look forward to working with Pat and the highly-regarded JLT team.”

Howett said: “This is an exciting time for the teams at both Marsh and JLT. The combined organisation will lead the market in providing exceptional client service and risk and insurance expertise.”