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Qatar Re have appointed Michael Van Der Straaten as new CEO

  • Publish Date: Posted about 5 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

Qatar Re, a subsidiary of Qatar Insurance Company (QIC) has named Michael Van der Straaten as the company’s permanent chief executive officer.

Van de Straaten was previously acting as CEO in January 2019 after former head of Qatar Re, Gunther Saacke stepped down in March.

Replacing Van de Straaten’s previous role, Qatar Re has appointed Pantelis Koulovasilopoulos to take over as chief underwriting officer (CUO) for Long Tail & Specialty Classes.

Prior to joining Qatar Re in late 2016, Van de Straaten most recently held the position of deputy head of London and head of casualty at ACE Tempest Re. He was appointed to his CUO post in February 2017, at which time he also joined Qatar Re’s Executive Management Committee.

Commenting on the appointment Sunil Talwar, chairman of the Board of Directors of Qatar Re said: Mike has fitted seamlessly into the position, building on his achievements as our former chief underwriter for Long Tail and Specialty Classes. We are convinced that Mike will bring Qatar Re’s ongoing transition to a business model based on lower volatility and more reliable profitability to a successful conclusion.”