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Lockton Re names Thomas Parcell as chief broking officer in Bermuda

  • Publish Date: Posted over 3 years ago
  • Author:by Alan Jarque

International reinsurance broker, Lockton Re has announced the appointment of Thomas Parcell to its new Bermuda platform as chief broking officer.

Parcell began his career at Aon in London with experience in Financial Services, and Accident, Life & Health before moving to Aon Benfield in 2013 as a non-marine retrocession broker. He later moved to Bermuda in 2016 and most recently held the position of global head of the ILW Practice.

Keith Harrison, International CEO, Lockton Re, said: “We are delighted to have Tom join Lockton Re, his experience and standing in Non-Marine Retrocession and ILW trading brings further depth and breadth to the expertise that we deliver to our clients.  Bermuda is an immensely important reinsurance hub and Lockton Re’s twelfth location - a significant milestone for our continued growth.”

Parcell commented: “I’m incredibly excited to join Lockton Re and be a part of Lockton Re Bermuda. Our alignment with the London, US, and global teams, alongside the deep expertise and relationships on the island, positions the Bermuda office in a great place to deliver for our clients and the core values we stand for as a business.”

Nick Durant, North America CEO, Lockton Re, said: “Our global Retrocessional capability is another exciting step in Lockton Re’s focus on offering our services in a way that reflects what clients need and want.  The collaborative ethos that sits at the heart of the business means our growing Bermuda platform is another important part of the global teams we can create to work seamlessly across the Atlantic to provide the best possible outcomes to clients.”

Tim Gardner, global CEO, Lockton Re, adds: “Bermuda is a natural evolution in our strategy and a key part of the Lockton Re global servicing proposition.  Tom joins Vittoria Canale our Operations Executive on the island and they will be joined later this year by additional industry talent. Coupled with our strong London based Retrocession and Property Specialty team we are creating a formidable force in this important part of the industry.”